SAUCE, noun [Latin salsus, salt, from sal.]
1. A mixture or composition to be eaten with food for improving its relish.
High sauces and rich spices are brought from the Indies.
2. In New England, culinary vegetables and roots eaten with flesh. This application of the word falls in nearly with the definition.
Roots, herbs, vine-fruits, and salad-flowers - they dish up various ways, and find them very delicious sauce to their meats, both roasted and boiled, fresh and salt.
SAUCE consisting of stewed apples, is a great article in some parts of New England; but cranberries make the most delicious sauce
To serve one the same sauce is to retaliate one injury with another. [Vulgar.]
SAUCE, verb transitive
1. To accompany meat with something to give it a higher relish.
2. To gratify with rich tastes; as, to sauce the palate.
3. To intermix or accompany with any thing good, or ironically, with any thing bad.
Then fell she to sauce her desires with threatenings.
Thou say'st his meat was sauc'd with thy upbraidings.
4. To treat with bitter, pert or tart language. [Vulgar.]