SEV'ER, verb transitive [There may be a doubt whether sever is derived from the Latin separo. Heb. Ch. Syr. Ar. to break.]
1. To part or divide by violence; to separate by parting or rending; as, to sever the body or the arm at a single stroke.
2. To part from the rest by violence; as, to sever the head from the body.
3. To separate; to disjoin; as distinct things, but united; as the dearest friends severed by cruel necessity.
4. To separate and put in different places or orders.
The angels shall come forth and sever the wicked from among the just.
5. To disjoin; to disunite; in a general sense, but usually applying violence.
6. To keep distinct or apart.
7. In law, to disunite; to disconnect; to part possession; as, to sever a state in joint-tenacy.
SEV'ER, verb intransitive
1. To make a separation or distinction; to distinguish.
The Lord will sever between the cattle of Israel and the cattle of Egypt.
2. To suffer disjunction; to be parted or rent assunder.