American Dictionary of the English Language

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SEX'UAL, adjective [from sex.]

1. Pertaining to sex or the sexes; distinguishing the sex; denoting what is particular to the distinction and office of male and female; as sexual characteristics; sexual intercourse, connection or commerce.

2. Sexual systemm in botany, the system which ascribes to vegetables the distinction of sexes, suppose that plants are male and female, each sex furnished with the appropriate organs or parts; the male producing a pollen or dust which fecundates the stigma of the pistil or female organ, and is necessary to render it prolific. It is found however that most plants are hermaphrodite, the male and female organs being contained in the same flower. This doctrine was taught to a certain extent by Theophrastus, Dioscorides and Pliny among the ancients, but has been more fully illustrated by Caesalpinus, Grew, Camerarius, Linne and many others among the moderns.