American Dictionary of the English Language

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SHUF'FLE, verb transitive

1. Properly, to shove one way and the other; to push from one to another; as, to shuffle money from hand to hand.

2. To mix by pushing or shoving; to confuse; to throw into disorder; especially, to change the relatibe positions of cards in the pack.

A man may shuffle cards or rattle dice from noon to midnight, without tracing a new idea in his head. Rambler.

3. To remove or introduce by artificial confusion.

It was contrived by your enemies, and shuffled into the papers that were seized. Dryden.

To shuffle off, to push off; to rid one's self of. When you lay blame to a child, he will attempt to shuffle it off.

To shuffle up, to throw together in haste; to make up or form in confusion or with fraudulent disorder; as, he shuffled up a peace.

SHUF'FLE, verb intransitive

1. To change the relative position of cards in a pack by little shoves; as, to shuffle and cut.

2. To change the position; to shift ground; to prevaricate; to evade fair questions; to pratice shifts to elude detection.

Hiding my honor in my necessity, I am fain to shuffle. Shak.

3. To struggle; to shift.

Your life, good master,

Must shuffle for itself. Shak.

4. To move with an irregular gait; as a shuffling nag.

5. To shove the feet; to scrape the floor in dancing. [Vulgar.]

SHUF'FLE, noun

1. A shoving, pughing or jostling; the act of mixing and throwing into confusion by change of places.

The unguided agitation and rude shuffles of matter. Bentley.

2. An evasion; a trick; an artifice.