SIDE, noun [Latin latus.]
1. The broad and long part of surface of a thing, as distinguished from the end, which is of less extent and many be a point; as the side of a plank; the side of a chest; the side of a house or of a ship. One side of a lens may be concave, the other convex. side is distinguished from edge; as the side of a knife or sword.
2. Margin; edge; verge; border; the exterior line of any thing, considered in length; as the side of a tract of land or a field, as distinct from the end. Hence we say, the side of a river; the side of a road; the east and west side of the American continent.
3. The part of an animal between the back and the face and belly; the part of which the ribs are situated; as the right side; the left side This is quadrupeds is usually the broadest part.
4. The part between the top and bottom; the slope, declivity or ascent, as of a hill or mountain; as the side of mount Etna.
5. One part of a thing, or its superficies; as the side of a ball or sphere.
6. Any part considered in respect to its direction or point of compass; as to whichever side we direct our view. We see difficulties on every side
7. Party; faction; sect; any man or body of men considered as in opposition to another. One man enlists on the side of the tories; another on the side of the whigs. Some persons change sides for the sake of popularity and office, and sink themselves in public estimation. And sets the passions on the side of truth.
8. Interest; favor. The Lord is on my side Psalms 118:6
9. Any part being in opposition or contradistinction to another; In the battle, the slaughter was great on both sides. Passion invites on one side; reason restrains on the other. Open justice bends on neither side
10. Branch or a family; separate line of descent; as, by the father's side he is descended from a noble family; by the mother's side his birth is respectable.
11. Quarter; region; part; as from one side of heaven to the other. To take sides, to embrace the opinions of attach one's self to the interest of a party when in opposition to another. To choose side to select parties for competition in exercises of any kind.
SIDE, adjective
1. Lateral; as a side post; but perhaps it would be better to consider the word as compound.
2. Being on the side or toward the side; oblique; indirect. The law hath no side respect to their persons. One mighty squadron with a side wind sped. So we say, a side view, a side blow.
3. Long; large; extensive.
SIDE, verb intransitive [Little Used.]
1. To lean on one side
2. To embrace the opinions of one party or engage in its interest, when opposed to another party; as, to side with the ministerial party. All side in parties and begin th' attack.
SIDE, verb transitive
1. To stand at the side of. [Not in use.]
2. To suit; to pair. [Not in use.]