American Dictionary of the English Language

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SLIP, verb intransitive [Latin labor, to slide.]

1. To slide; to glide; to move along the surface of a thing without bounding, rolling or stepping.

2. To slide; not to tread firmly. Walk carefully, lest your foot should slip

3. TO move or fly out of place; usually without; as, a bone may slip out of its place.

4. To sneak; to slink; to depart or withdraw secretly; with away. Thus one tradesman slips away to give his partner fairer play.

5. To err; to fall into error or fault. One slippeth in his speech, but not from his heart.

6. To glide; to pass unexpectedly or imperceptibly. And thrice the flitting shadow slipp'd away.

7. To enter by oversight. An error may slip into a copy, notwithstanding all possible car.

8. To escape insensibly; to be lost. Use the most proper methods to retain the ideas you have acquired, for the mind is ready to let many of them slip

SLIP, verb transitive

1.To convey secretly. He tried to slip a powder into her drink.

2. To omit; to lose by negligence. Let us not slip the occasion. And slip no advantage that may secure you.

3. To part twigs from the branches or stem of a tree. The branches also may be slipped and planted.

4. To escape from; to leave slily. Lucentio slipp'd me like his greyhound. From is here understood.

5. To let loose; as, to slip the hounds.

6. To throw off; to disengage one's self from; as, a horse slip his bridle.

7. To pass over or omit negligently; as, to slip over that main points of a subject.

8. To tear off; as, to slip off a twig.

9. To suffer abortion; to miscarry; as a beast.

TO slip A CABLE, to veer out and let go the end.

TO slip ON, to put on in haste or loosely; as to slip on a gown or coat.

SLIP, noun

1. A sliding; act of slipping.

2. An unintentional error or fault.

3. A twig separated from the main stock; as the slip of a vine.

4. A leash or string by which a dog is held; so called from its being so made as to slip or become loose by relaxation of the hand.

5. An escape; a secret or unexpected desertion.

6. A long narrow piece; as a slip of paper.

7. A counterfeit piece of money, being brass covered with silver. [Not in use.]

8. Matter found in troughs of grindstones after the grinding of edge-tools.

9. A particular quantity of yarn.

10. An opening between wharves or in a dock.

11. A place having a gradual descent on the bank of a river or harbor, convenient for ship-building.

12. A long seat or narrow pew in churches.

SLIP'-BOARD, noun A board sliding in grooves.

SLIP'-KNOT, noun A bow-knot; a knot which will not beat a strain, or which os easily untied.