SMACK, verb intransitive [The primary sense is to throw, to strike, whence to touch or taste; ]
1. To kiss with a close compression of the lips, so as to make a sound when they separate; to kiss with violence.
2. To make a noise by the separation of the lips after tasting any thing.
3. To have a taste; to be tinctured with any particular taste.
4. To have a tincture or quality infused. All sects, all ages smack of this vice.
SMACK, verb transitive
1. To kiss with a sharp noise.
2. To make a sharp noies with the lips.
3. To make a sharp noise by striking; to crack; as, to smack a whip.
SMACK, noun
1. A loud kiss
2. A quick sharp noise, as of the lips or of a whip.
3. Taste; savor; tinture.
4. Pleasing taste.
5. A quick smart blow.
6. A small quantity; a taste.
7. A small vessel, commonly rigged as a cutter, used in the coasting and fishing trade.