SMELL, verb transitive preterit and participle passive smelled, smelt. [I have not found this word in any other language.] TO perceive by the nose, or by the olfactory nerves; to have a sensation excited in certain organs of the nose by particular qualities of a body, which are transmitted in fine particles, often form a distance; as, to smell a rose; to smell perfumes.
TO smell OUT, is a low phrase signifying to find out by sagacity.
TO smell A RAT, is a low phrase signifying to suspect strongly.
SMELL, verb intransitive
1. To affect the olfactory nerves; to have an odor or particualr scent; followed by of; as to smell of smoke; to smell of musk.
2. To have a particular tincuture or smack or any quality; as, a report smells of calumny. [Not elegant.]
3. To practice smelling. Exodus 30:38.
4. To exercise sagacity.
SMELL, noun
1. The sense of faculty by which through the instrumentally of the olfactory nerves; or the faculty of perceiving by the organs of the nose; one of the five senses. In some species of beasts, the smell is remark able acute, particularly in the canine species.
2. Scent; odor; the quality of bodies which affects the olfactory organs; as the smell of mint; the smell of geranium. The sweetest smell in the air is that of the white double violet.