American Dictionary of the English Language

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SOFT, adjective

1. Easily yielding to pressure ; the contrary of hard; as a soft bed; a soft peach; soft earth.

2. Not hard; easily separated by an edged instrument; as soft wood. The chestnut is a soft wood, but more durable than hickory, with is a very hard wood. So we say, a soft stone, when it breaks or is hewed with ease.

3. Easily worked; malleable; as soft iron.

4. Not rough, rugged or harsh; smooth to the touch; delicate; as soft silk; soft raiment a soft skin.

5. Delicate; feminine; as the softer sex.

6. Easily yielding to persuasion or motives flexible; susceptible of influence or passion. In both these senses, soft is appiled to females, and sometimes males; as a divine of a soft and servile temper. One king is too soft and easy.

7. Tender; timorous. However soft within themselves they are, to you they will be valiant be despair.

8. Mild; gentle; kind; not severe or unfeeling; as a person of a soft nature.

9. Civil; complaisant; courteous; as a person of soft manners. He has a soft way of asking favors.

10. Placid; still; easy. On her soft axie while whe paces even, she bears thee soft with the smooth air along.

11. Effeminate; viciouly nice. An idle soft course of life is the source of crminal pleasures.

12. Delicate; elegantly tender. Her form more soft and feminine.

13. Weak; impressible. The deceive soon found this soft place of Adam's [Not elegant.]

14. Gentle; smooth or melodious to the ear. not loud, rough or harsh; as a soft voice or note; a soft sound; soft accents; soft whispers.

15. Smooth; flowing; not rough or vehement. The solemn nightingale tun'd her soft lays. soft were my numbers, who could take offense?

16. Easy; quiet; undisturbed; as soft slumbers.

17. Mild to the eye; not strong or glaring; as soft colors; the soft coloring of a picture. The sun shining on the upper part of the clounds, made the softes light imaginable.

18. Mild; warm; pleasant to the feelings; as soft air.

19. Not tinged with an acid; not hard; not astringent; as, soft water is the best for washing.

20. Mild; gentle; not rough, rude or irritating. A soft answer turneth away wrath. Proverbs 15:1.

SOFT, adverb Softly; gently; quietly.

SOFT, exclamation for be soft hold; stoop; not so fast. But, soft my muse, the world is wide.