SOUND, adjective [Latin sanus.]
1. Entire; unbroken; not shaky, split or defective; as sound timber.
2. Undecayed; whole; perfect, or not defective; as sound fruit; a sound apple or melon.
3. Unbroken; not bruised or defective; not lacerated or decayed; as a sound limb.
4. Not carious; not decaying; as a sound tooth.
5. Not broken or decayed; not defective; as a sound ship.
6. Whole; entire; unhurt; unmutilated; as a sound body.
7. Healthy; not diseased; not being in a morbid state; having all the organs complete and in perfect action; as a sound body; sound health; a sound constitution; a sound man; a sound horse.
8. Founded in truth; firm; strong; valid; solid; that cannot be overthrown or refuted; as sound reasoning; a sound argument; a sound objection; sound doctrine; sound principles.
9. Right; correct; well founded; free form error; orthodox. II Tim 1. Let my heart be sound in thy statutes. Psalms 119:80.
10. Heavy; laid on with force; as sound strokes; a sound beating.
11. Founded in right and law; legal; valid; not defective; that cannot be overthrown; as a sound title to land; sound justice.
12. Fast; profound; undisturbed; as sound sleep.
13. Perfect, as intellect; not broken or defective; not enfeebled by age or accident; not wild or wandering; not deranged; as a sound mind; a sound understanding or reason.
SOUND, adverb Soundly; heartily. So sound he slept that nought might him awake.
SOUND, noun The air bladder of a fish.
SOUND, noun [Latin natatio. can this name be given to a narrow sea because wild beasts were accustomed to pass it by swimming, like Bosporus; or is the word from the root of sound whole, denoting a stretch, or narrowness, from stretching, like straight?] A narrow passage of water, or a strait between the main land and an isle; or a strait connecting two seas, or connecting a sea or lake with the ocean; as the sound which connect the Baltic with the ocean, between Denmark and Sweden; the sound that separates Long Island from the main land of New York and Connecticut.
SOUND, noun [See the following verb.] An instrument which surgeons introduce into the bladder, in order to discover whether there is a stone in the viscus or not.
SOUND, verb transitive [Latin sonus, Eng. sound the primary sense of which is to stretch or reach.]
1. To try, as the depth of water and the quality of the ground, by sinking a plummet or lead, attached to a line on which are marked the number of fathoms. The lower end of the lead is covered with tallow, by means of which some portion of the earth, sand, gravel, shells, etc. of the bottom, adhere to it and are drawn up. By these means, and the depth of water and the nature of the bottom, which are carefully marked on good charts, seamen may know how far a ship is from land in the night or in thick weather, and in many cases when the land is too remote to be visible.
2. To introduce a sound into the bladder of a patient, in order to ascertain whether a stone is there or not. When a patient is to be sounded-
3. To try; to examine; to discover or endeavor to discover that which lies concealed in another's breast; to search out the intention, opinion, will or desires. I was in jest, and by that offer meant to sound your breast. I've sounded my Numidians man by man.
SOUND, verb intransitive To use the line and lead in searching the depth of water. The shipmen sounded, and found it twenty fathoms. Acts 28:1.
SOUND, noun The cuttle fish.
SOUND, noun [Latin sonus, from sonom to sound sing, rattle, beat, etc. This may be a dialectical variation of Latin tonus, tono, which seems to be allied to Latin teneo.]
1. Noise; report; the object of hearing; that which strikes the ear; or more philosophically, an impression of the effect of an impression made on the organs of hearing by an impulse or vibration of the air, caused by a collision of bodies or by other means; as the sound of a trumpet or drum; the sound of a human voice; a horrid sound; a charming sound; a sharp sound; a high sound
2. A vibration of air caused by a collision of bodies or other means, sufficient to affect the auditory nerves when perfect. Some persons are so entirely dear that they cannot hear the loudest sounds. Audible sounds are such as are perceptible by the organs of hearing. Sounds not audible to men, may be audible to animals of more sensible organs.
3. Noise without signification; empty noise; noise and nothing else. It is the sense and not the sound that must be the principle.
SOUND, verb intransitive
1. To make a noise; to utter a voice; to make an impulse of the air that shall strike the organs of hearing with a particular effect. We say, an instrument sounds well or ill; it sound shrill; the voice sound harsh. And first taught speaking trumpet how to sound
2. To exhibit by sound or likeness of sound This relation sounds rather like a fiction that a truth.
3. To be conveyed in sound; to be spread or published. From you sounded out the word of the Lord. I Thess. 1.
TO sound IN DANGER, in law. is when there is not specific value of property in demand to serve as a rule of damages, as in actions of tort or trespass, as distinguished from actions of debt, _ c.
SOUND, verb transitive
1. To cause to make a noise; as, to sound a trumpet or a horn.
2. To utter audibly; as, to sound a note with the voice.
3. To play on; as, to sound an instrument.
4. To order or direct by a sound; as, to sound a retreat.
5. To celebrate or honor by sounds; to cause to reported; as, to sound one's praise.
6. To celebrate or honor by sounds; to cause to be reported; as, to sound one's praise.