SQUEEZE, verb transitive
1. To press between two bodies; to press closely; as, to squeeze an orange the fingers or with an instrument; to squeeze the hand in friendship.
2. To oppress with hardships, burdens and taxes; to harass; to crush.
In a civil war, people must expect to be squeezed with the burden.
3. To hug; to embrace closely.
4. To force between close bodies; to compel or cause to pass; as, to squeeze water through felt.
To squeeze out, to force out by pressure, as a liquid.
SQUEEZE, verb intransitive
1. To press; to urge ones way; to pass by pressing; as, to squeeze hard to get through a crowd.
2. To crowd.
To squeeze through, to pass through by pressing and urging forward.
1. Pressure; compression between bodies.
2. A close hug or embrace.