STALE, adjective [I do not find this word in the other Teutonic dialects. It is probably from the root of still, G., to set, and equivalent to stagnant.]
1. Vapid or tasteless from age; having lost its life, spirit and flavor from being long kept; as stale beer.
2. Having lost the life or graces of youth; worn out; decayed; as a stale virgin.
3. Worn out by use; trite; common; having lost its novelty and power of pleasing; as a stale remark.
STALE, noun [G. See Stall.]
1. Something set or offered to view as an allurement to draw others to any place or purpose; a decoy; a stool-fowl.
Still as he went, he crafty stales did lay.
A pretense of kindness is the universal stale to all base projects. [In this sense obsolete.]
2. A prostitute.
3. Old vapid beer.
4. A long handle; as the state of a rake.
5. A word applied to the king in chess when stalled or set; that is, when so situated that he cannot be moved without going into check, by which the game is ended.
STALE, verb transitive To make void or useless; to destroy the life, beauty or use of; to wear out.
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety.
STALE, verb intransitive [G.] To make water; to discharge urine; as horses and cattle.
STALE, noun Urine; used of horses and cattle.