American Dictionary of the English Language

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SUGAR, noun SHUG'AR. [Latin saccharum.]

1. A well known substance manufactured chiefly from the sugar cane, arundo saccharifera; but in the United States, great quantities of this article are made from the sugar maple; and in France, a few years since, it was extensively manufactured from the beet. The saccharine liquor is concentrated by boiling, which expels the water; lime is added to neutralize the acid that is usually present; the gresser impurities rise to the surface, and are separated in the form of scum; and finally as the liquor cools, the sugar separates from the melasses in grains. The sirup or melasses is drained off, leaving the sugar in the state known in commerce by the name of raw or muscovado sugar This is farther purified by means of clay, or more extensively by bullocks' blood, which forming a coagulum, envelops the impurities. Thus clarified, it takes the names of lump, loaf, refined, etc. according to the different degrees of purification. sugar is a proximate element of the vegetable kingdom, and is found in most ripe fruits and many farinaceous roots. By fermentation, sugar is converted into alcohol, and hence forms the basis of those substances which are used for making intoxicating liquors, as melasses, grapes, apples, malt, etc.

The ultimate elements of sugar are oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. Of all vegetable principles, it is considered by Dr. Rush as the most wholesome and nutritious.

2. A chimical term; as the sugar of lead.

SUGAR, verb transitive SHUG'AR. To impregnate, season, cover, sprinkle or mix with sugar

1. To sweeten.

But flattery still in sugar'd words betrays.

SUGAR of lead, acetate of lead.