SUPPLY', verb transitive [Latin suppleo; sub and pleo, disused, to fill.]
1. To fill up, as any deficiency happens; to furnish what is wanted; to afford or furnish a sufficiency; as, to supply the poor with bread and clothing; to supply the daily wants of nature; to supply the navy with masts and spars; to supply the treasury with money. The city is well supplied with water.
I wanted nothing fortune could supply
2. To serve instead of.
Burning ships the banish'd sun supply
3. To give; to bring or furnish.
Nearer care supplies
Signs to my breast, and sorrow to my eyes.
4. To fill vacant room.
The sun was set, and Vesper to supply
His absent beams, had lighted up the sky.
5. To fill; as, to supply a vacancy.
6. In general, to furnish; to give or afford what is wanted.
Modern infidelity supplies no such motives.
SUPPLY', noun Sufficiency for wants given or furnished. The poor have a daily supply of food; the army has ample supplies of provisions and munitions of war. Customs, taxes and excise constitute the supplies of revenue.