SUPPRESS', verb transitive [Latin suppressus, supprimo; sub and premo, to press.]
1. To overpower and crush; to subdue; to destroy; as, to suppress a rebellion; to suppress a mutiny or riot; to suppress opposition.
Every rebellion when it is suppressed, makes the subject weaker, and the government stronger.
2. To keep in; to restrain from utterance or vent; as, to suppress the voice; to suppress sighs.
3. To retain without disclosure; to conceal; not to tell or reveal; as, to suppress evidence.
She suppresses the name, and this keeps him in a pleasing suspense.
4. To retain without communication or making public; as, to suppress a letter; to suppress a manuscript.
5. To stifle; to stop; to hinder from circulation; as, to suppress a report.
6. To stop; to restrain; to obstruct from discharges; as, to suppress a diarrhea, a hemorrhage and the like.