TIGHT, adjective [Latin taceo; that is, close, closely compressed.]
1. Close; compact; not loose or open; having the joints so close that no fluid can enter or escape; not leaky; as a tight ship, or a tight cask.
2. Close; not admitting much air; as a tight room.
3. Sitting close to the body; as a tight coat or other garment.
4. Close; not having holes or crevices; not loose; applied to many vessels, etc.
5. Close; hard; as a tight bargain. [In common use in America.]
6. Close; parsimonious; saving; as a man tight in his dealings. [In common use in America.]
7. Closely dressed; not ragged.
I'll spin and card, and keep our children tight
8. Hardy; adroit.
[Note. This is the taugt or taught of seamen, applied to a rope stretched. The primary sense is strained.]