TILL'ER, noun A money box in a shop; a drawer.
TILL, prep or adverb
1. To the time or time of. I did not see the man till the last time he came; I waited for him till four o'clock; I will wait till next week.
Till now, to the present time. I never heard of the fact ill now.
Till then, to that time. I never heard of the fact till then.
2. It is used before verbs and sentences in a like sense, denoting to the time specified in the sentence or clause following. I will wait till you arrive.
He said to them, occupy till I come. Luke 19:1.
Certain Jews--bound themselves under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul. Acts 23:1.
Mediate so long till you make some act of prayer to God.
[Note.--In this use, till is not a conjunction; it does not connect sentences like and, or like or. It neither denotes union nor separation, nor an alternative. It has always the same office, except that is precedes a single word or a single sentence; the time to which it refers being in one case expressed by a single word, as now, or the, or time, with this, or that, etc., and in the other by a verb with its adjuncts; as, occupy till I come. In the latter use, till is a preposition preceding a sentence, like against, in the phrase, against I come.]
TILL, verb transitive
1. To labor; to cultivate; to plow and prepare for seed, and to dress crops. This word includes not only plowing but harrowing, and whatever is done to prepare ground for a crop, and to keep it free from weeds.
The Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden to till the ground from whence he was taken. Genesis 3:1.
2. In the most general sense, to till may include every species of husbandry, and this may be its sense in Scripture.