American Dictionary of the English Language

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TIP, noun

1. The end; the point or extremity of any thing small; as the tip of the finger; the tip of a spear; the tip of the tongue; the tip of the ear.

2. One part of the play at nine-pins.

3. In botany, an anther.

TIP, verb transitive To form a point with something; to cover the tip top or end; a, to tip any thing with gold or silver.

With truncheon tipp'd with iron head.

TIPp'd with jet,

Fair ermines spotless as the snows they press.

1. [for tap.] To strike slightly, or with the end of any thing small; to tap.

A third rogue tips me by the elbow.

2. To lower one end, or throw upon the end; as, to tip a cart for discharging a load. [N. England.]

To tip the wink, to direct a wink, or to wink to another for notice.

TIP, verb intransitive In the phrase, to tip off, that is, to fall headlong; hence, to die.