TRI'UMPH, noun [Latin triumphus.]
1. Among the ancient Romans, a pompous ceremony performed in honor of a victorious general, who was allowed to enter the city crowned, originally with laurel, but in later times with gold, bearing a truncheon in one hand and a branch of laurel in the other, riding in a chariot drawn by two white horses, and followed by the kings, princes and generals whom he had vanquished, loaded with chains and insulted by mimics and buffoons. The triumph was of two kinds, the greater and the less. The lesser triumph was granted for a victory over enemies of less considerable power, and was called an ovation.
2. State of being victorious.
Hercules from Spain
Arriv'd in triumph from Geryon slain.
3. Victory; conquest.
The vain coquets the trifling triumphs boast.
4. Joy or exultation for success.
Great triumph and rejoicing was in heav'n.
5. A card that takes all others; now written trump, which see.
TRI'UMPH, verb intransitive To celebrate victory with pomp; to rejoice for victory.
How long shall the wicked triumph? Psalms 94:3.
1. To obtain victory.
There fix thy faith, and triumph o'er the world.
Attir'd with stars, we shall forever sit
Triumphing over death.
2. In insult upon an advantage gained.
Let not my enemies triumph over me. Psalms 25:2.
Sorrow on all the pack of you
That triumph thus upon my misery.
3. To be prosperous; to flourish.
Where commerce triumph'd on the favoring gales.
triumph over, to succeed in overcoming; to surmount; as, to triumph over all obstacles.