American Dictionary of the English Language

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TRUST, noun

1. Confidence; a reliance or resting of the mind on the integrity, veracity, justice, friendship or other sound principle of another person.

He that putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe. Proverbs 29:25.

2. He or that which is the ground of confidence.

O Lord God, thou art my trust from my youth. Psalms 71:1.

3. Charge received in confidence.

Reward them well, if they observe their trust

4. That which is committed to one's care. Never violate a sacred trust

5. Confident opinion of any event.

His trust was with th' Eternal to be deem'd

Equal in strength.

6. Credit given without examination; as, to take opinions on trust

7. Credit on promise of payment, actual or implied; as, to take or purchase goods on trust

8. Something committed to a person's care for use or management, and for which an account must be rendered. Every man's talents and advantages are a trust committed to him by his Maker, and for the use or employment of which he is accountable.

9. Confidence; special reliance on supposed honesty.

10. State of him to whom something is entrusted.

I serve him truly, that will put me in trust

11. Care; management. 1 Timothy 6:17.

12. In law, an estate, devised or granted in confidence that the devisee or grantee shall convey it, or dispose of the profits, at the will of another; an estate held for the use of another.

TRUST, verb transitive To place confidence in; to rely on. We cannot trust those who have deceived us.

He that trusts every one without reserve, will at last be deceived.

1. To believe; to credit.

TRUST me, you look well.

2. To commit to the care of, in confidence. trust your Maker with yourself and all your concerns.

3. To venture confidently.

Fool'd by thee, to trust thee from my side.

4. To give credit to; to sell to upon credit, or in confidence of future payment. The merchants and manufacturers trust their customers annually with goods to the value of millions.

It is happier to be sometimes cheated, than not to trust

TRUST, verb intransitive To be confident of something present or future.

I trust to come to you, and speak face to face. 2 John 1:12.

We trust we have a good conscience. Hebrews 13:18.

1. To be credulous; to be won to confidence.

Well, you may fear too far--

Safer than trust too far.

To trust in, to confide in; to place confidence in; to rely on; a use frequent in the Scriptures.

TRUST in the Lord, and do good. Psalms 37:3.

They shall be greatly ashamed that trust in graven images. Isaiah 42:17.

To trust to, to depend on; to have confidence in; to rely on.

The men of Israel--trusted to the liars in wait. Judges 20:36.