American Dictionary of the English Language

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TU'MOR, noun [Latin from tumeo, to swell.] In surgery, a swelling; a morbid enlargement of any part of the body; a word of very comprehensive signification.

The morbid enlargement of a particular part, without being caused by inflammation.

Any swelling which arises from the growth of distinct superfluous parts or substances, which did not make any part of the original structure of the body, or from a morbid increase in the bulk of other parts, which naturally and always existed in the human frame.

The term tumor is limited by Abernathy to such swellings as arise from new productions, and includes only the sarcomatous and encysted tumors.

An encysted tumor is one which is formed in a membrane called a cyst, connected with the surrounding parts by the neighboring cellular substance. There are also fatty tumors, called lipomatous or adipose, (adipose sarcoma, ) formed by an accumulation of fat in a limited extent of the cellular substance.

1. Affected pomp; bombast in language; swelling word or expressions; false magnificence or sublimity. [Little Used.]