TYPE, noun [Latin typus; Gr. from the root of tap; to beat, strike, impress.]
1. The mark of something; an emblem; that which represents something else.
Thy emblem, gracious queen, the British rose,
TYPE of sweet rule and gentle majesty.
2. A sign; a symbol; a figure of something to come; as, Abraham's sacrifice and the paschal lamb, were types of Christ. To this word is opposed antitype. Christ, in this case, is the antitype.
3. A model or form of a letter in metal or other hard material; used in printing.
4. In medicine, the form or character of a disease, in regard to the intension and remission of fevers, pulses, etc.; the regular progress of a fever.
5. In natural history, a general form, such as is common to the species of a genus, or the individuals of a species.
6. A stamp or mark.
TYPE, verb transitive To prefigure; to represent by a model or symbol beforehand. [Little Used.]