UNE'ASY, adjective s as z.
1. Feeling some degree of pain; restless; disturbed; unquiet. The patient is uneasy
2. Giving some pain; as an uneasy garment.
3. Disturbed in mind; somewhat anxious; unquiet. He is uneasy respecting the success of his project.
The soul, uneasy and confin'd from home, rests and expatiates in a life to come.
4. Constraining; cramping; as uneasy rules.
5. Constrained; stiff; not graceful; not easy; as an uneasy deportment.
6. Giving some pain to others; disagreeable; unpleasing.
A sour, untractable nature makes him uneasy to those who approach him.
7. Difficult.
Things - so uneasy to be satisfactorily understood. [Not in use.]