USE, noun [Latin urus.]
1. The act of handling or employing in any manner, and for any purpose, but especially for a profitable purpose; as the use of a pen in writing; the use of books in study; the use of a spade in digging. use is of two kinds; that which employs a thing, without destroying it or its form, as the use of a book or of a farm; or it is the employment of a thing which destroys or wastes it, as the use of bread for provision; the use of water for turning a mill.
2. Employment; application of any thing to a purpose, good or bad. It is our duty to make a faithful use of our opportunities and advantages for improvement.
Books can never teach the use of books.
3. Usefulness; utility; advantage; production of benefit. the value of a thing is to be estimated by its use His friendship has been of use to me.
Tis use alone that sanctifies expense.
4. Need of employment, or occasion to employ. I have no further use for this book.
5. Power of receiving advantage. [Usual.]
6. Continued practice or employment.
Sweetness, truth, and every grace, which time and use are wont to teach.
7. Custom; common occurrence.
O Cesar, these things are beyond all use [Usual.]
8. Interest; the premium paid for the possession and employment of borrowed money.
9. In law, the benefit or profit of lands and tenements. use imports a trust and confidence reposed in a man for the holding of lands. He to whose use or benefit the trust is intended, shall enjoy the profits. An estate is granted and limited to A for the use of B.
Cestuy que use in law, the person who has the use of lands and tenements.
Contingent use in law. A contingent or springing use is where the use is suspended on a future event.
Resulting use is one which, being limited by the deed, expires or cannot vest, and results or returns to him who raised it, after such expiration.
Secondary or shifting use is that which though executed, may change from one to another by circumstances.
1. In use in employment; as, the book is now in use
2. In customary practice or observance. Such words, rites and ceremonies, have long been in use
USE, verb transitive s as z. [Latin uter, usus; Gr.]
1. To employ; to handle, hold, occupy or move for some purpose; as, to use a plow; to use a chair; to use a book; to use time. Most men use the right hand with more convenience than the left, and hence its name, right.
2. To waste, consume or exhaust by employment; as, to use flour for food; to use beer for drink; to use water for irrigation, or for turning the wheel of a mill.
3. To accustom; to habituate; to render familiar by practice; as men used to cold and hunger; soldiers used to hardships and danger.
4. To treat; as, to use one well or ill; to use people with kindness and civility; to use a beast with cruelty.
Cato has us'd me ill.
5. To practice customarily.
USE hospitality one to another. 1 Peter 4:9.
To use one's self, to behave. obsolete
USE, verb intransitive s as z.
1. To be accustomed; to practice customarily.
They use to place him that shall be their captain on a stone.
2. To be wont.
Fears use to be represented in an imaginary fashion.
3. To frequent; to inhabit.
Where never foot did use