V'AST, adjective [Latin vastus. The primary sense of the root must be a part or spread, as this is connected with the verb to waste.]
1. Being of great extent; very spacious or large; as the vast ocean; a vast abyss; the vast empire of Russia; the vast plains of Syria; the vast domains of the Almighty.
2. Huge in bulk and extent; as the vast mountains of Asia; the vast range of the Andes.
3. Very great in numbers or amount; as a vast army; vast numbers or multitudes were slain; vast sums of money have been expended to gratify pride and ambition.
4. Very great in force; mighty; as vast efforts; vast labor.
5. Very great in importance; as a subject of vast concern.
V'AST, noun An empty waste.
Through the vast of heav'n it sounded.
The watery vast