American Dictionary of the English Language

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VIC'TOR, noun [Latin from vinco, victus, to conquer, or the same root.]

1. One who conquers in war; a vanquisher; one who defeats an enemy in battle. victor differs from conqueror. We apply conqueror to one who subdues countries, kingdoms or nations; as, Alexander was the conqueror of Asia or India, or of many nations, or of the world. In such phrases, we cannot substitute victor But we use victor when we speak of one who overcomes a particular enemy, or in a particular battle; as, Cesar was victor at Pharsalia. The duke of Wellington was victor at Waterloo. victor then is not followed by the possessive case; for we do not say, Alexander was the victor of Darius, though we say, he was victor at Arbela.

2. One who vanquishes another in private combat or contest; as a victor in the Olympic games.

3. One who wins, or gains the advantage.

In love, the victors from the vanquish'd fly;

They fly that wound, and they pursue that die.

4. Master; lord.

These, victor of his health, his fortune, friends. [Not usual nor legitimate.]