VOTIVE, adjective Given by vow; devoted; as votive offereings.
VOTIVE medals, are those on which vows of the peoplefor emperors or empresses
are expressed.
Venus, take my votive glass.
, verb transitive
1. To call to witness; to obtest.
And vouch the silent stars and conscious moon.
2. To declare; to affirm; to attest; to warrant; to maintain by affirmations.
They made him ashamed to vouch the truth of the relation, and afetrward to credit it.
2. To warrant; to confirm; to establish proof.
The consistency of the discoursevouches it to be worthy of the great apostle.
4. In law, to call into court to warrant and defend, or to make good a warranty of title.
He vouches the tenant in tail, who vouches over the common vouchee.