VULGAR , adjective
1. Pertaining to the common unlettered people; as vulgar life.
2. Used or practiced by common people; as vulgar sports.
3. Vernacular; national.
It might be more useful to the English reader, to write in our vulgar language.
4. Common; used by all classes of people; as the vulgar version of the scriptures.
5. Public; as vulgar report.
6. Mean; rustic; rude; low; unrefined; as vulgar ninds; vulgar manners.
7. Consisting of common persons.
In reading an account of a battle, we follow the hero with our whole attention, but seldom reflect on the vulgar heaps of slaughter.
VULGAR fractions, in arithmetic, fractions expressed by a numerator and denominator; thus 2/5.
VULGAR, noun The common people. [It has no plural termination, but has often a plural verb.]
The vulgar imagine the pretender to have been a child imposed on the nation.