American Dictionary of the English Language

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WARE, preterit tense of wear, obsolete It is now written wore.

WARE, adjective [We never use ware by itself. But we use it in aware, beware, and in wary. It was formerly in use.]

1. Being in expectation of; provided against. 2 Timothy 4:15.

2. Wary; cautious.

WARE, verb intransitive To take heed of. [We now use beware as a single word, though in fact it is not.]

Then ware a rising tempest on the main.

WARE, verb transitive preterit tense wore. [This is evidently from the root of veer. See Veer.] To cause a ship to change her course from one board to the other, by turning her stern to the wind; opposed to tacking, in which the head is turned to the wind; as, to ware ship. We wore ship and stood to the southward.

WARE, noun plural wares. [G.] Goods; commodities; merchandise; usually in the plural; but we say, China ware earthern-ware, potters ware It was formerly used int eh singular, and may be so used still.

Let the dark shop commend the ware

Sea ware a marine plant, a species of Fucus.