NONE, adjective
1. Not one; used of persons or things.
There is none that doeth good; no, not one. Psalms 14:1.
2. Not any; not a part; not the least portion.
Six days shall ye gather it, but on the seventh day, which is the sabbath, in it there shall be none Exodus 16:26.
3. It was formerly used before nouns; as, thou shalt have none assurance of thy life. This use is obsolete; we now use no; thou shalt have no assurance. This is none other but the house of God; we now say, no other.
4. It is used as a substitute, the noun being omitted. He walketh through dry places, seeking rest and finding none; that is, no rest. Matthew 7:1.
5. In the following phrase, it is used for nothing, or no concern. Israel would none of me, that is, Israel would not listen to me at all; they would have no concern with me; they utterly rejected my counsels.
6. As a substitute, none has a plural signification.
Terms of peace were none vouchsafed.