AL'TAR, noun [Latin altare, probably from the same root as altus, high.
1. A mount; a table or elevated place, on which sacrifices where anciently offered to some deity. Altars were originally made of turf, afterwards of stone, wood or horn; some were round, others square, others triangular. They differed also in height, but all faced the east. The principal altars of the Jews were, the altar of incense, of burnt-offerings, and of shewbread; all of shittim wood, and covered with gold or brass.
2. In modern churches, the communion table; and, figuratively, a church; a place of worship.
3. In scripture, Christ is called the altar of Christians, he being the atoning sacrifice for sin.
We have an altar whereof they have no right to eat, who serve tabernacles. Hebrews 13:10.