INDIF'FERENT, adjective [Latin indifferens.]
1. Neutral; not inclined to one side, party or thing more than to another.
Cato knows neither of them,
Indifferent in his choice to sleep or die.
2. Unconcerned; feeling no interest, anxiety or care respecting any thing. It seems to be impossible that a rational being should be indifferent to the means of obtaining endless happiness.
It was a remarkable law of Solon, that any person who, in the commotions of the republic, remained neuter, or an indifferent spectator of the contending parties, should be condemned to perpetual banishment.
3. Having no influence or preponderating weight; having no difference that gives a preference. It is indifferent which road we take.
4. Neutral, as to good or evil. Things in themselves indifferent may be rendered evil by the prohibition of law.
5. Impartial; disinterested; as an indifferent judge, juror or arbitrator.
6. Passable; of a middling state or quality; neither good, nor the worst; as indifferent writing or paper.
Indifferent, used adverbially, as indifferent honest, is ungrammatical and vulgar.