PA'PER, noun [Latin papyrus, the name of an Egyptian plant, from which was made a kind of paper ]
1. A substance formed into thin sheets on which letters and figures are written or printed. paper is made of different materials; but among us it is usually made of linen or cotton rags. A fine paper is made of silk, particularly for bank-notes, which require to be very thin.
2. A piece of paper
3. A single sheet printed or written; as a daily paper; a weekly paper; a periodical paper; referring to essays, journals, newspapers, etc.
4. Any written instrument, whether note, receipt, bill, invoice, bond, memorial, deed, and the like. The papers lie on the speaker's table.
They brought a paper to me to be signed.
5. A promissory note or notes or a bill of exchange; as negotiable paper
6. Hangings printed or stamped; paper for covering the walls of rooms.
PA'PER, adjective Made of paper; consisting of paper
1. Thin; slight; as a paper wall.
PA'PER, verb transitive To cover with paper; to furnish with paper hangings; as, to paper a room or a house.
1. To register. [Not used.]
2. To fold or inclose in paper